Gemalte Biographie: Thomas D
Drei große, quadratische Leinwände stehen nebeneinander. Sie erinnern an ein ausgeklapptes Plattenalbum oder CD Booklet - Medien, die...
Diamond Art - paint, stones and wood
#diamonds #Abstrahism #Switzerland #painting
Thank you, Cartwheel ART for this post
When German Fine Artist Albrecht Behmel first developed his unique style of painting which he calls, “The Magic of the Swarms,” he had...
Meet in Paris?
Bonjour my friends, This fall I am going to take part in a group exhibition right under the upside down glass pyramid of the Louvre...
Abstrahistic Perspectives
It's always a challenge to show art. Taking photos isn't easy and a lot of things can go wrong, like light, focus, distance... But what...
Yoli and the Magic of the Swarms
Mein Freund Robby Fender aus Utah zu Gast im Studio Zollernhaus und zwei Tage Non-stop action zwischen Heidelberg und Stuttgart. Hier ein...
Pop Art oder Abstrahismus?
Wie nennst du deinen Malstil? Ein Künstler hat natürlich mehr als einen Stil. Aber diesen hier nenne ich Abstrahismus. Den Begriff habe...
Abstrahistic paintings are about colors and shapes. In this one about Harry Potter I gathered characters from the books and films like...
Piet's crazy nephews
The Magic of the Swarms as a style is both figurative and abstract, both simple and complex. I call this style “abstrahistic”. The center...