That was Fun! Thank you, Artitious!
Interview Artitious

Baiersbronner Gespräche
Dieses Jahr beginnt ein Projekt, auf das ich mich schon lange freue: Die Baiersbronner Gespräche versammeln Experten aus der Kunstwelt im...
Nobel Art
This year I interviewed 25 Nobel Prize laureates and other top scientists of MIT, NASA and asked them what metaphors, thought experiments...
New York and Maastricht
This year’s TEFAF feels fresh. The grande dame of the art world returns for the 32nd edition and she appears quite rejuvenated. Some 10%...

Gemalte Biographie: Thomas D
Drei große, quadratische Leinwände stehen nebeneinander. Sie erinnern an ein ausgeklapptes Plattenalbum oder CD Booklet - Medien, die...

DMEXCO 2018: Blockchain Originals
DMEXCO's Blockchain Originals” I love taking things literally, and it sometimes gets me into trouble. This time it didn't. When Dr....

Pop Art 2018
What is pop art, everybody seems to know, I don't. Is it the colors, the themes or the fact that the artist is not interested in pseudo...

Diamond Art - paint, stones and wood
#diamonds #Abstrahism #Switzerland #painting