The child within
What would a modern cave-man paint on the walls of his cave? His heroes and his monsters of course. Where I live, I don't get to see a...
How to Ship Sharks
Circling Sharks 2 is now on display at Andy's. This 100 x 80 cm canvas (acrylics and ink) was sent to its destination in a shock proof...
A long time ago in a gallery far far away
Who doesn't love Star Wars, the greatest story ever told ? I put some of my favorite characters together for "The Last Supper" before the...
Modern Cave Art
I like to think of my paintings as modern cave art, the oldest style of painting there is. Some 40.000 years ago people like me put...
Magic on the Wall
Walking Me (100x60 cm, acrylics and ink on wood, 2014) is now on display at Dominik's. See how the elegant black frame, minimalistic...