"Albrecht's art is mind-boggling - literally!"
Creativ Magazine
"Three simple ancient Greek words: kalos (beauty), eidos (form) and skopeo (examine) are the etymological origin for the modern word Kaleidoscope. They also appear to be the driving force behind the pictorial, picture making methodology of German painter Albrecht Behmel who almost by way of refraction itself, transforms the familiar into the extraordinary with kaleidoscopic legerdemain. His imaginative mind the very matrix to his complex and kalos-filled art."
Gregory de la Haba, Quiet Lunch
"Almost a Renaissance Man"
Project Luxury Magazine
"Not for me"
Stefan Simchowitz
"A kaleidoscope of shapes and colors"
Dylan Fender, Fusion Models, NYC
"It is beautiful!"
Daymond John, Shark Tank, NYC
"Moves me deeply and evokes powerful feelings."
Mark Waldman, Loyola Marymount University, Malibu
"Such energy"
Eun Sung Hwang, artist, Seoul
“Supremely talented”
Darren Hardy, New York Times best-selling author
“Like a social network but on canvas: Six degrees of separation come to life!
I love it! A visual energy drink."
Dr. Dominik Matyka
"It's moving!"
Prof. Li Wei, University of Beijing
Andy Brooks, CEO Irlpix, London
"Beauty through your eyes"
Steve Van Dyke, Inventor, Marysville
“The vibrant colour and interaction of shapes are fascinating.”
Matthew Smith, CEO Urbanepublications, London
"Bold and soothing."
Georgia Hardy, Miami